Gyroscope Breakout Board


This is a simple breakout board for an MPU-6050, which is a 6 axis gyroscope and accelerometer. I made this board for my roommate Henry Baisch who is building a drone out of an electric EDF ducted fan. He needed this specfic board shape so it could fit right under the center of the motor with space for the wires, hence the chunk cut out of the circle. This board will allow the drone to know its exact position and correct itself using servos to control airflow.


Here is the drone that this board is for. I wont touch on this too much since its not my project, but I want to show what the drone looks like. It uses 4 servo motors that adjust blades to direct the airflow from the EDF fan to position itself and move around. Having the gyroscope at the dead center of the drone will allow for much more accurate positioning.

I created the schematic for this board by reading the data sheet of the MPU-6050 IC and seeing what complimenatry components were needed for each of the pins. I then sourced a generic 5v to 3.3v linear regulator to provide the IC with a steady 3.3v along with a indicator LED to show when the board is receiving power.

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