Neon Signs

9/2020 – 10/2021

In late 2020, I found myself with a bit of a time abundance due to the pandemic. I had a great interest in LED’s at the time (still do) and wanted to start making neon signs. I ordered the parts and started to make signs for my friends and school mates for some profit. I would advertise on social media platforms to get orders and ended up making around 30 different signs for clients of all backgrounds.

After a few months of making signs and posting about them on my Instagram page. I was approached by a local burger restaurant and was asked to make them a sign for their food truck. I said yes and started to make the biggest sign I had made yet. During this project, I began to run into some issues. After installing the sign on the truck for my client, some of the lights started to go out. I was very worried since I only had ever really made indoor signs, so I began to experiment with methods that would make the signs completely waterproof. After a return trip to the truck and a little more time, I ended up fixing the sign and getting it to reliably work. To this day it is still on the truck and attracting new customers all the time.

After about a year of making signs, I ended up closing shop and ending my business venture. It was a super fun and rewarding experience that taught me a lot about owning a business and how to work with customers. Since I was starting my first year of college, I wouldn’t have the workshop and time I used to have, so I sadly had to end production.

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